Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Feared One

Artist: Stacey Knowles
Size: 80 x 100 (canvas size only)
Medium: Papier-mache
Date: 22nd September
Title: The Feared One
Course: Diploma Graphic Design
I have done a themed art piece from the list given, from the Supernatrual area.
I liked the idea of the painting coming out of the canvas.
Then seeing the wings thought why not make it more

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Zombie boy-Carolyn Reed- no excuse month

Artist:Carolyn Reed
Size: around a 1m
Medium:a little of every thing
Date: 3/10/09
Title: Zombie boy
Course:Diploma of Graphic Design
I made this for a finale pieace. Its made up of junk to make up the clothes.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Artist: Sharon Falkiner
Size: 70cm x 50 cm
Medium: paper mache
Date: 13.10.2009
Title: Dragon
Course:Graphic Design Dip

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Artist: Laurise Owen
Size: Digital Image
Medium: Digital image, photoshop
Date: 30 Aug 09
Title: Glow effects
Course: Diploma of Graphic Design

I had some fun playing with 'text as image' concepts over the break.

Artist: Andrea Radley
Size: Vector Illustration - no size constraints
Medium: Adobe Illustrator
Date: 1/10/09
Title: Fox and Dog
Course: Coordinator Diploma of Graphic Design