Tuesday, December 2, 2008
November - Racing - Andrea Radley

Thursday, November 27, 2008
Glenn Morgan - Racing

We are posting this picture on behalf of Glenn this month. The above work is from an exhibition that ran at the Ray Hughes Gallery in Sydney this year. There were 14 artworks in the exhibition. To see more go to Ray Hughes' website. http://www.rayhughesgallery.com/
Title: Relay for Life
Artist: Glenn Morgan
Date: 2004
Materials: acrylic on board
Size: 127 x 185 cm
Teacher Department of Arts
Monday, November 3, 2008
November - Racing
This month the theme is "Racing". As it is the month of the Melbourne Cup, but it is also racing towards the end of the year and the start of the new year. I can see some great horse racing images happen, but it does not have to be about horse racing any sort of racing would fit the theme. Are there any other famous races in history that happened in November? What about the political race happening in America at the moment? Or the global warming race? Show us your skills at thinking 'outside the box' and most of all have fun.
Jai Lawrence - Monster

Title: Cyborg Long Cat
Materials: Original was pen and paper. This version was in Illustrator.
Size:262 x 565
Date: 30th October 2008
Artist: Jai Lawrence
Course: CIV in Design/ Diploma of Multimedia
Saturday, November 1, 2008
October - Monster - Andrea Radley
This is a video slide show I put together of the students last project in the fantastic illustration workshop run by Lorette Broekstra at South West Institute of TAFE. The brief was to create a double page spread from Peter and the Wolf.
I had a wonderful time and especially loved this project so much so I created three double page spreads.
My connection with monsters - perhaps the monsterous wolf or the monsterous actions of the hunters?
Artists: 12 SWTAFE students and community members (credits at end of slide show and names on each page)
Date: July 2008
Materials: Mixed media
Size: Each spread is approx A3 (21cms x 30cms)
Friday, October 31, 2008
October - Monster - Nathan Pye
Artist: Nathan Pye
Title: Seat monster
Material: Paint marker on wood
Size: Seat?
Date: 31st October (13 mins short of deadline :P)
Multimedia Teacher
October - Monster - Phil Brown

Materials: Photoshop
Size:2450 x 340
Date: 30th October 2008
Artist: Phil Brown
Course: CIII in Design/ CIV of Multimedia
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Rowan Drake - Monster

The Kraag soldier stalks through the forest, the fibre-optics in its nanosuit constantly changing to match the patterns of its surrounding environment perfectly.
The earthlings will never know what hit them...
Artist: Rowan Drake
Title: Phantom from another world
Size: A3
Materials: created in Adobe Illustrator
Date: October 2008
Course: CIV in Design/Diploma of Multimedia
Daniel McKenna - Monster

I used an old design for this and then used Photoshop. I used Derwent pencils and a black marker to colour it then used Photoshop to add the black background and the stars.
Artist: Daniel McKenna first year multimedia student
Title: soul sucker.
Materials: black marker, Derwent pencil, and Photoshop digital image.
Date: 29/10/08
Size of work: 1000×698

I came to this design for a screen print project that we did at tafe
Artist: Daniel McKenna first year multimedia student
Title: death skull.
Materials: black marker line drawing and coloured in photoshop,
Date: 29/10/08
Size of work: 1000×927
course: Diploma of Multimedia / CIV in Design
Monday, October 27, 2008
October - Monster - Phoebe Adams

I think the monster is more frightening when it is unknown. When you see it through the reaction in someone else's eyes. The less said - the better.
Artist: Phoebe Adams
Title: Monster Comes
Material: pencil on paper / digital image (Photoshop)
Size: 1200 x 1600 shiny pixels adapted from original A5 sketch
Date: 27th October 2008 Multimedia Teacher
Saturday, October 18, 2008
October - Monster - Simon Greening
Originally did a sketch of this little fella, then after some messing around ended up with the silhouette and then somehow became the end product. This project really had no plan, just went with the flow. Made the wallpaper then also made an Ipod size version Check it out on my flickr.
My Flickr
Artist: Simon Greening
Title: Wee Monster
Material: Digital Image, Illustrator, Photoshop
Size: 1440x900 and 320x480
Date: 18th October 2008
Course: Cert 3 Design/Cert 4 Multimedia
Campus: Portland
Friday, October 17, 2008
October Monster art Ilona Koehnlechner

This is the blackside of Humpty Dumpty and he is not sitting meek and mild on the wall but is angry and will smash the wall for all the time he had to fall off and he has had enough, and now you can see his alterego
Artist: Ilona Koehnlechner:
Material: Illustrator, digital artwork
Date: 30th September 2008
Multimedia teacher: Nathan Pye
Monday, October 6, 2008
October - My Nightmare - Roy Rogers

This picture was inspired my left side of my brain as i was having a bad day and this is what fell out.
Made in Photoshop using blocks of black colour and using the smudge tool to to manipulate the colour around the background is of flame i paint a couple of years ago.
Artist: Roy Rogers
Title: My Nightmare
Material: Photoshop
Size: 6x4 inches
Date: 6th October 2008
Portland multimedia student
October - Monsters - Warren Munn

The random creation of a random mind
Artist: Warren Munn
Title: Monsters
Material: Adobe Illustrator CS3
Size: A4
Date: 6th October 2008
Multimedia Student
October - Monster
Cartoon, sculpture, photo....Which way you gonna go?
Nothing like a nice open topic.
Have fun kids!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
September - Sport - Nathan Pye
This one came from me taking the word 'sport' as a question. People wanting to shoot a bear seems nuts to me...they're so big and rad.
The technique I used was shown to us by the wonderful Lorette Broekstra, who hosted the fantastic Illustration workshop. Big thanks from all of us, it was great.
Artist: Nathan Pye
Title: Sport?
Material: Acrylic on Paper
Size: A4
Date: 30th September 2008
Multimedia Teacher
Monday, September 29, 2008
September - Sport - Simon Greening

So I'm not much of a sports fan, so I decided to stretch the definintion a bit, and made a robot wars poster. Sports for geeks :). I've also wanted to do something with a Saul Bass style for awhile, and thought it would go well with some retro looking robots.
And just for fun, here's a design progression.

Artist: Simon Greening
Title: Robot Wars
Material: Digital Image, Illustrator, Photoshop
Size: A4
Date: 29th September 2008
Course: Cert 3 Design/Cert 4 Multimedia
Campus: Portland
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
September - Sport - Glenn Morgan

Title: Geelong Premiers 2007
Date: 2008
Materials: acrylic on board
Size: 92 x 103 cm
Teacher Department of Arts
We are posting this picture on behalf of Glenn this month. The above work is from an exhibition currently running at the Ray Hughes Gallery in Sydney.
There are 14 artworks in the exhibition. The blurb below is from Ray Hughes' website. http://www.rayhughesgallery.com/
"Glenn Morgan is a storyteller. His work is vibrantly coloured and lively and celebrates the mundane to the significant, warts and all.
Every work depicts a narrative that he has experienced either directly or indirectly, from a trip to China with Ray and Evan Hughes to the sinking of the Siev X. From his many-detailed paintings to his theatrical crank-handled dioramas, Glenn’s work depicts and encourages social interaction, making his an ‘art to touch’.
Glenn’s work depicts an entire story at once glance, but rewards every new viewing as more is seen each time. Perspective is played with to cram as much detail into the picture field as possible, while his sculptural figures often have more than one face in order for them to be viewed simultaneously from all angles.
Two pieces, a sculpture and a painting, depict Kevin Rudd’s apology speech, dubbed ‘The Great Day Australia Said Sorry’ and continue a theme he began with works dating from the mid-Howard years. The painting is a crowd scene, with many joyous onlookers with speech bubbles portraying the overwhelming positive sentiment.
Three works depict Glenn's travels with Ray and Evan Hughes in March 2007. 'Ray Hughes Art Tours' is a 3D pop-riveted bus complete with happy travellers, while paintings 'Us in Ukraine' and 'Us in China' show bustling car-clogged metropolis. ‘Us in China’ particularly shows a city that has become increasingly familiar in recent weeks with Olympic coverage. Glenn toured Beijing with Catherine Hunter and Bruce Inglis to film a documentary on contemporary Chinese art for ABC TV.
Friday, September 5, 2008
September - Phoebe Adams - Sport

It's Un-Australian to hate sport and totally unfashionable to drink anything but energy drinks. Now I've always thought that energy drinks all taste like the muck ya Mum used to make you drink from a tablespoon when you were sick. I really don't know why anyone would voluntarily want to drink such foul tasting rubbish. If I want caffeine I’d much rather sip a nice hot latte but it seems no one under the age of 20 drinks their beverages at more than room temperature. Whatever happened to a nice cup of tea... (5 minute soap box rant deleted)
...anyway, I digress...
Back to Groin... So now you too can buy the lie. The promise of sporting glory, the admiration of your country. Now canned and ready for you to consume. So it tastes like bitter medicine, a real hero would drink it and the more foul tasting the more impressive the performance. It’s all about groin!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
September - Andrea Radley - Sport

This image is from a book I am illustrating for my sisters and their children about our childhood growing up on a sheep farm. We played netball in "Mini Minis, Minis, Juniors to Seniors", basically the whole time we were at Hawkesdale. We played in some terrible weather.
This is my older sister, Susan, about to catch the ball. She was a great Goalie.
Artist: Andrea Radley
Title: In any kind of weather
Size: 18cms w x 28cms h
Material: Guache, Pencil on Watercolour paper
Date: June 2008
Teacher in the Department of Arts
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
September - Sport
So what better way to celebrate that getting our Sport on here at The Cuttlefish!
Good luck with this one!
Also, We have some awesome Creative workshops coming up in a few weeks, including a fantastic one on Illustration. Give your local Tafe a yell if you're interested!

Monday, September 1, 2008
August -Myth and legends- Ilona koehnlechner

Sunday, August 31, 2008
August - Myths and Legends - Nathan Pye
My entry doesn't refer to any Myth or Legend directly, but I used an an old drawing and concept to mash up some existing ones.
My initial idea was an angry octopus god, surrounded by shattered ships and oceanis debris. I started to weave in some Ganesha influences, and it just slowly calmed everything out. Ended up a lot more serene than I initially intended.
Feels like it needs a few more days in the oven, but a deadlines a deadline. :P
Artist: Nathan Pye
Title: Ocean God
Material: Digital Image
Size: 1024x768
Date: 31st August 2008
Multimedia Teacher
Saturday, August 30, 2008
August - Myths and Legends - Tracey Head
I am addressing parts of the self through my painting - illustrating fables, myths and legends. Architypes are examples of different states of mind and a way for me to express my emotions. Art is a way of life, it is a journey to another land and the castle diplicts the start. Like the fool in the Tarot, he begins with not perceptions, ideals and awaits and learns on the way.
Title : The Castle - "The fools Journey"
Material: Acrylic on Canvas
Size: 70cm x 110cm
Artist: Tracey Head
2nd Year Digital Photography Group - Minor
Friday, August 1, 2008
August - Myths and Legends - Roy Rogers♦
Title: Hand of Faith
Artist: Roy Rogers
Date: 1st August 2008
Medium: Digital image, Adobe Photoshop
Course: Cert IV Multimedia/Cert III Design Fundamentals
August - Myths&Legends - Phoebe Adams

"The nature of Monkey was irrepressible!"
Artist: Phoebe Adams
Title: Born From An Egg
Medium: Photoshop (brush to screen & filters.)
Size: 800x600pixels 72dpi
Multimedia Teacher
August - Myths and Legends
August's topic for you to creatively attack is.....Myths and Legends.
The Minotaur? Leprechauns fighting mermaids? Gary Ablett? (That one's for you Morgs)
Can't wait to see what creative interpretations you guys come up with!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
July - Fish - Illona Koehnlechner

Artist: Ilona Koehnlechner
Title:Gumaleile 'gum for short'
Medium: Adobe Illustrator
Size: A4
Date created: July 08
Cert III design/Cert.4- multimedia 2nd year
July - Fish - Nathan Pye
Artist: Nathan Pye
Title: Cop-out trout
Medium: Video + Drawing
Multimedia Teacher
Danielle Rewell - Chubby Cuttlefish
Chisako Ishikawa - Fish

I took this photo at an Aquarium in January 2008, in Japan.
The fish tank was surrounded by thick black curtains to create a dark environment like a darkroom and the jellyfish glow blue in the blue light.
It looked very fantastic and visionary.
Artist: Chisako Ishikawa
Title: Jellyfish
Size: 900 x 1200px
Material: Digital photo and Photoshop
Course: Certificate IV in Design/Diploma of Multimedia
My Sub breed of Fish

Well this Is my fish, I was just doodling a drawing a fish when I took a break started surfing the net and I came across a picture of a pipe, so I decided that wouldn’t it be funny if fish had a periscope to see what we do, we have made scuba gear to look at them….. well thats just me……
Artist: Andrew Rogers
Material: Pencil, Paper, Digital Image, Photoshop
Size: 1739 x 1040
Date: 31th July 2008
Course: Cert 3 Design/Cert 4 Multimedia
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
July - Fish - Simon Greening

And here we are again in the last week of the month, and it's starting to look like I enjoy submitting in the last week, but this month I actually had it done in the first week. The only reason it has taken this long is because i was waiting for my t-shirt to be deleivered, but finally here it is. After that long explanation all i say is enjoy
View this tee and others at my Redbubble store
Artist: Simon Greening
Title: King Neptune Markets
Material: Digital Image, Illustrator, Photoshop
Size: Printed on mens small American Apparel tee
Date: 30th July 2008
Course: Cert 3 Design/Cert 4 Multimedia
Campus: Portland
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Geordie Allardice - Fish

My name is Geordie Allardice I studied Arts at Tafe and then got my Degree in Fine arts at Deakin in 2004. I am currently studying Textiles at Tafe. Fish have always been a part of my life as my dads a fisherman and now that we live by the sea its hard to get away from the topic. The images I have had for a while all except for the poor fish that has all sorts of things attached to him that is recent.
The photograph above was taken of me in front of a mural I completed for the Port Fairy fishing club. It took a few weeks to paint up and many cans of acrylic exterior paint. Initially there was a mural underneath but it had become tired and worn. I painted straight over the top using it as a guide. I did vary a few things, the sun at the top, the design of the fish and its overall colour. The club was pleased and so was i.

The image above is a present for my dad on his birthday. Roughly 60cm x 45cm it is a fish with a flaming antenna coming out of its head while pulling an umbrella, breathing through a pipe and pulling the moon. Graphite on card.
Size: 60cms x 45cms
Material: Graphite on card
Course: Diploma of Arts (Textiles)

These fish are a selection of fish painting that also belonging to my dad . This is work that I have promised that I would do for him. I'm half way there. These are all smaller than a4. Water colour on water colour paper.
Size: Little smaller than A4
Material: Water colour on water colour paper
Course: Diploma of Arts (Textiles)
Friday, July 25, 2008
July - Fish - Simon Waite

July - Real Fish - Phoebe Adams

Wednesday, July 23, 2008
FISH MARKET - Anthon Suringa

Location: 'Fish Market' Baybay, Leyte, Philippines
Date: July 2007
Size (cm): w=65.02 & h=16.93
Photographer / Designer: Anthon Suringa
Material: Digital Camera & Adobe Photoshop CS2
I love fish! There's no way i would miss july's theme.
This image was captured on a digital camera at the fish market in the Philippines last year during my vacation. I use photoshop to apply blur and contrast effect.
Some of the crabs were actually alive that day waiting to be put on a hot pot! 90% of the fish in the market are actually fresh from the sea which gives customers a 100% flavor. If you love fish visit the Philippines :D
Andrea Radley - Fish
This is a sign made out of computer printouts and cardboard that I created to advertise this blog. It is in the Warrnambool Student Learning Centre above the doorway into the computer area. It is a cuttlefish changing its colour to reflect the creative environment it is swimming in.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
July - Fish - Phoebe Adams

Artist: Phoebe Adams
Title: cuttlefish paints in pixels
Material: Digital Image
Size: Variable
Date: 22nd July 2008
Multimedia Teacher
Daniel McKenna - Fish

According to the Japanese legend, the KOI fish swims the yellow river and when it is ready it swims towards the falls called DRAGON GATE , where if the fish succeeds in climbing the falls it will be transformed into a dragon. Based upon that legend it became a symbol of worldly aspiration and advancement. This is why I chose a KOI fish for the beginning project as it could also represent the beginnings of a journey. More generally, the KOI fish is associated with perseverance in adversity and strength of purpose. Because of its strength
And determination to overcome obstacles, it stands for courage and the ability to attain high goals. Others say it means good fortune or luck!!!!...
I think my work came out well in the end. I feel it conveys the idea well but some people might not know what a koi fish stands for. I think it works well because it’s looks like it is making it’s first leap of it’s journey to “DRAGON GATE”. All together I put about 20 hours into the final piece.
SIZE OF WORK: 28cms x 21cms
DATE CREATED: 21 / 2 / 08.
MATERIALS USED: original drawing, pencil H2 and black ink pen then scanned into
photoshop cs3 then air brushed using transparent colors
COURSE NAME: Diploma of Multimedia / Certificate IV in Design.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
July - Fish - Roy Rogers
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
July - Fish
Look forward to seeing some sweet illustrations and interesting interpretations.
Remember, it doesn't have to be brand new work...if it hasn't been on Cuttlefish, its new to us!
Monday, June 30, 2008
June - Musician - Nathan Pye
Here's my entry for this month.
I really struggled with this topic. I had a bunch of photo's of my musical friends, but I didn't really want to use them. So I started thinking about which musicians have influenced me, which led me to my amazing friend Lee Ronald.
Lee was an incredible guitarist, but sadly passed away last year after a long battle with cancer. My design is for a tattoo memorialising him I plan on getting.
The skull references the Day of the Dead, a Mexican holiday in which those who have died are celebrated rather than mourned. The sevens significance are the date and time when Lee passed: 7:07 - 7/7/07.
The turquoise used in the swirls refer to Lee's favourite hockey jersey.
The design is still in draft form...I'm sure the tattooist will have a bit to say about it. This final will include a banner at the bottom that reads "For those lost".
Artist: Nathan Pye
Title: For those lost
Material: Digital Image
Size: Variable
Date: 30thth June 2008
Multimedia Teacher