Friday, October 31, 2008

October - Monster - Nathan Pye


This month's topic was a goodun for me, I got an excuse to use my markers and draw on a chair. Well the seat part at least (found out back of the Multimedia studio in Warny). Just wanted to use the nice natural texture of a beaten up piece of wood to kick out the vibrant colours.

Artist: Nathan Pye
Title: Seat monster
Material: Paint marker on wood
Size: Seat?
Date: 31st October (13 mins short of deadline :P)
Multimedia Teacher

October - Monster - Phil Brown

Title: Robot
Materials: Photoshop
Size:2450 x 340
Date: 30th October 2008
Artist: Phil Brown
Course: CIII in Design/ CIV of Multimedia

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Rowan Drake - Monster

The Kraag soldier stalks through the forest, the fibre-optics in its nanosuit constantly changing to match the patterns of its surrounding environment perfectly.
The earthlings will never know what hit them...

Artist: Rowan Drake
Title: Phantom from another world
Size: A3
Materials: created in Adobe Illustrator
Date: October 2008
Course: CIV in Design/Diploma of Multimedia

Daniel McKenna - Monster

I used an old design for this and then used Photoshop. I used Derwent pencils and a black marker to colour it then used Photoshop to add the black background and the stars.

Artist: Daniel McKenna first year multimedia student
Title: soul sucker.
Materials: black marker, Derwent pencil, and Photoshop digital image.
Date: 29/10/08
Size of work: 1000×698

I came to this design for a screen print project that we did at tafe

Artist: Daniel McKenna first year multimedia student
Title: death skull.
Materials: black marker line drawing and coloured in photoshop,
Date: 29/10/08
Size of work: 1000×927
course: Diploma of Multimedia / CIV in Design

Monday, October 27, 2008

October - Monster - Phoebe Adams

I think the monster is more frightening when it is unknown. When you see it through the reaction in someone else's eyes. The less said - the better.

Artist: Phoebe Adams
Title: Monster Comes
Material: pencil on paper / digital image (Photoshop)
Size: 1200 x 1600 shiny pixels adapted from original A5 sketch
Date: 27th October 2008 Multimedia Teacher

Saturday, October 18, 2008

October - Monster - Simon Greening

Originally did a sketch of this little fella, then after some messing around ended up with the silhouette and then somehow became the end product. This project really had no plan, just went with the flow. Made the wallpaper then also made an Ipod size version Check it out on my flickr.

My Flickr

Artist: Simon Greening
Title: Wee Monster
Material: Digital Image, Illustrator, Photoshop
Size: 1440x900 and 320x480
Date: 18th October 2008
Course: Cert 3 Design/Cert 4 Multimedia
Campus: Portland

Friday, October 17, 2008

October Monster art Ilona Koehnlechner

This is the blackside of Humpty Dumpty and he is not sitting meek and mild on the wall but is angry and will smash the wall for all the time he had to fall off and he has had enough, and now you can see his alterego
Artist: Ilona Koehnlechner:
Material: Illustrator, digital artwork
Date: 30th September 2008
Multimedia teacher: Nathan Pye

Monday, October 6, 2008

October - My Nightmare - Roy Rogers

This picture was inspired my left side of my brain as i was having a bad day and this is what fell out.
Made in Photoshop using blocks of black colour and using the smudge tool to to manipulate the colour around the background is of flame i paint a couple of years ago.

Artist: Roy Rogers
Title: My Nightmare
Material: Photoshop
Size: 6x4 inches
Date: 6th October 2008
Portland multimedia student

October - Monsters - Brett Smith

This is my painting I did based on one of my paintbrush pics

Artist: Brett Smith
Title: Bloblossus
Size: Cant Remember
Date: 1st October 2008

October - Monsters - Warren Munn

The random creation of a random mind

Artist: Warren Munn
Title: Monsters
Material: Adobe Illustrator CS3
Size: A4
Date: 6th October 2008
Multimedia Student

October - Monster

This months topic for you creative freaks is.....Monster.

Cartoon, sculpture, photo....Which way you gonna go?

Nothing like a nice open topic.

Have fun kids!