From the time it’s parents deposit and fertilise their eggs in a still pool of water, the tiny embryos of the green tree frog are on their own and left to fend for themselves. At first they feed from the yolk in their soft membranous eggs. When this food source is depleted they hatch from their eggs and graze and scavenge in the water their mothers abandoned them in. As tadpoles their health and safety is dependant on the water they live in. If they survive they eventually they grow limbs and lungs and crawl out of their pool as juvenile frogs. Finally they grow into adult tree frogs and start the cycle again. This is just another example of the incredible change all living things must undergo to be part of the never ending cycle of birth, growth and death.
Artist: Phoebe Adams
Size:800 x 600 pixels of light
Medium: Illustrator (extreme pentooling)
Date: 04.03.09
Teacher: Diploma of Interactive Digital Media
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